Less time on social media? The new trend

Welcome to what we've identified as 'The Resistance.' It's a trend where people are increasingly rejecting traditional social media behaviors.

You've probably noticed how Gen Z posts much less. Many say that social media doesn't represent real life, yet we still end up comparing ourselves on them. This relates to our human nature to want to see what's happening around us or, in this context, in other people's lives through their social media.

This ability, observation, was crucial for our survival in past centuries, and it's in our DNA. But our greatest abilities can also be corrupted.

We are sensitive to everything that affects our senses, whether it's a light in the darkness or Kylie Jenner taking a selfie dressed as a chicken.

So, how do we make the digital world less toxic?

When you understand that the key is to find and provide better triggers, you positively reset this behavior. Focus on finding solutions, not just distractions. And if you can't find them, focus on creating them.

It's time to ask yourself whether you prefer something to entertain you or inspire you. Because with the latter comes the reward of fulfillment instead of falling into dark comparisons.

And that's what content marketing is about.

How can that help my business?

Ask yourself if it's manipulating you to buy or inspiring you to do so.


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