Viral Content for Beginners

Let's make a confession:

We're not fans of those cheesy marketing tips:

"Be authentic, be creative, bring value!”

They're pretty vague for anyone clueless about turning them into immediate action.

So today, we're unveiling some formulas that have worked wonders in creating viral content for our clients.

Why spill our secrets? Because we handle them like true masters.

Tip 1: Capitalize on Nostalgia

We've said it before, and we'll say it again. Anything that tugs at your emotional strings is perfect for connecting with audiences.

Example, A client approached us with this brief:

"We are a cleaning company looking to boost our services amidst the COVID chaos, but we don't want to come off as alarmist with our uniforms and gear."


We crafted a story that cast the cleaning staff as the Ghostbusters of the '80s, battling this invisible enemy with their gear. We used an '80s commercial aesthetic for a memorable emotional punch.

Tip 2: Mix Content Trends


During the Oscars, when Will Smith slapped... well, you probably know the story, we decided to write a jingle narrating the incident, set to the tune of a viral Disney song on TikTok at that time. The result? Over 4 million views on TikTok, 2 million on Instagram, and even coverage on TV.

Tip 3: Call Us and Ask How We Can Do It for You

Intrigued? Want to know how we can create viral magic for you? Give us a call and let's talk strategy.


The Art of Cult.ivating Your Brand