The Downfall of "Valuable" Content

Here's the deal with the internet: It makes us think everything we see is super important. So many marketing experts keep saying we need "valuable content." Now, every time we check our feed, we see brands teaching us random stuff like "how to make sausages" or "how to build a mud hut in India." We think differently.

When building a creative strategy for your brand or business, it's better to highlight the specific results people can expect from you. However, most accounts just focus on describing what they do, what they know, and how they learned. They forget that excitement for results is the best way to attract leads.

You might ask, "What does that mean?"

Show your audience the benefits they'll receive from you, not just the skills you possess.

Here are three quick examples:

- Don't just talk about a car's engine; tell me where it can take me.

- Don't explain the pre-surgery process; show off the new nose!

- Instead of just saying you're good at online marketing, explain how you can help me sell sand in the desert in six months, broken down into steps based on behaviors you've identified.

We've tried this approach many times and realized something important: People don't like being pushed to buy, but they do love buying. The difference? It's all about tapping into their emotions. You still don't know how? We do.


Cry But Shop!


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